Amazing speakers, interesting topics, great venue and everything nice – this were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect conference – Vuejs Amsterdam.
Last month me and my coworkers were sent on a mission, to improve our knowledge, become better developers and expand our views. So we decided to visit the best known Vue conference in the world.
The only constant in the technology industry is change
Marc Benioff
So what better way to keep up with that change rather than visiting a conference where the best speakers are gathered with the latest updates and you get to be one of the first people to hear them?
Vuejs Amsterdam is an event which took place on 2nd and 3rd of June 2022. According to their website, these were the numbers for those 2 days:
Number of speakers – 20+ Vue core members
Number of attendees – 1000+ daily
Global audience from 20+ countries
The conference was held in Amsterdam theatre, in one of the most beautiful venues I’ve ever seen. One thing that I liked the most was that there was only one main stage, so we could listen to all the presentations, without having to choose from multiple presentations and multiple stages at the same time. The atmosphere in the venue was amazing. Everybody seemed like they had a great time, participating in interesting trivia games and quizzes and enjoying the wonderful food!
Also, I must say, visiting Amsterdam in such a nice weather was a big plus.

Conference recap
Here are some notes from my favourite speakers and topics:
State of the Vuenion 2022 – Evan You
- Evan You is the creator of Vue, so I think that this was the best way to open the conference, even though his presentation was remote. The topic that he presented was about the current state of Vue.js, latest news and upcoming changes.
- So the current state is the following:
- Since 07.02.2022 Vue 3 is the default version
- There is a brand new documentation
- Vue 3 +70% since default version launch, 4x downloads more than last year, 25% of all Vue downloads
- Vuetify beta 3 release – May 19th 2022
- Vue 2.7 – built in composition api (without plugin), moved Vue 2 codebase to Typescript, final minor release for Vue 2, EOL end of 2023
Getting more out of your Pinia stores – Eduardo San Martin Morote (creator of vue-router)
- Pinia is a Vue store, successor of Vuex
- Has great documentation
- Vue 2 and Vue 3 compatible
- Lighter than Vuex
- Based on the Composition API
- Has a huge potential to replace Vuex
- Here is an example usage:
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
export const useCounterStore = defineStore('counter', {
state: () => {
return { count: 0 }
actions: {
increment() {
import { useCounterStore } from '@/stores/counter'
export default {
setup() {
const counter = useCounterStore()
// or using an action instead
Fast stories powered by Vite: Histoire – Guillaume Thru
- Histoire is an interactive component playground powered by Vite
- One of the most memorable moments in the conference was when the speaker changed the repository from private to public, and it was an honour to be present at that moment
Local state and server cache: How to balance them with vue-query – Natalia Tepluhina
- One of my favourite speakers
- There were three main questions at the beginning of the presentation
- How to fetch only when data is not fetched already?
- How to keep my data up to date?
- What if two components start fetching simultaneously?
- The answer to these questions is using vue-query – package which provides hooks for fetching, caching and updating data in Vue
- The vue-query setup has some really interesting props which can be set for the configuration:
– number of times it should refetch if there is an BE errorrefetchOnWindowFocus
– decides if it should refetch the data every time we do a tab switchplaceholderData
– initial data before fetchingstaleTime
– interval of time while client considers your data being okay and there is no need to fetch it again
Vue 2 to 3 migration – a real life experience – An Phan
- I think this is the topic that everyone was most interested in, because as Vue developers this is a problem which we are facing or will be facing in the near future.

I think that these kind of events are super important for learning new things, networking, getting inspired and keep up with the technology. On top of that, listening to the Vue core team members was definitely something that I will never forget!