After more than 6 years this will be my first conference. This time as a guest. I remember well the moments of my presentation in Baku, Azerbaijan in 2013. Stressful experience, a lot of sweat, with my suit that was one number larger than it should be. That was 2013 and the topics were economics and management. Now I’m an experienced iOS developer and going to Berlin for a conference that should give me new ideas for personal development, but also to give me
Conference generalities
The venue of the UIKonf is RADIALSYSTEM V in Berlin.

From 26-29 May 2019 in Berlin, some serious iOS developers will come from big companies that will present their experiences in the iOS World.
The motto of the conference is simple:
“UIKonf is an independent conference for serious iOS developers”
For this conference, the organizers decided to have only female speakers. All will come from big companies and with big experiences. We have female iOS developers who work or worked for Uber, Slack, LinkedIn…

The travel expenses are the cheapest for this conference viewing from my perspective. Fortunately, we Macedonians have direct flight connection to Berlin. The cost is around 150€.
The ticket to attend the conference costs 539€.
They are also offering free tickets to members of underrepresented groups in tech (this includes disabled people and generally people who are unable to attend without financial assistance).
The accommodation is something that is not completed from my side. The hotels near the conference building costs around 100€ per day.
This conference has an excellent organization.
The first day 26 May is the day for social meetings, time for visiting places in Berlin, acknowledge the other attendants and will finish with a kick-off party where the people will take their badges.
Next two days 27 and 28 May are the days when the speakers will expose their presentations. 30 minutes per presentation with question and answers part of the end of each presentation.
29 May is the last day. This is unofficial part of the conference and the people can meet with the sponsors, dissect code problems in lab sessions with experienced experts, signup for a workshop or just hang out and code with new friends.
I have big expectations. The names of the speakers, their experience, the companies they worked for are guarantees for something big and something good.
I’m going by myself and expect to meet new people, make new friendships, share experiences.
Berlin as a city is something new for me. I had heard very good things

With the correct size of my suit this time – it should be a good experience in my life.