By providing a simulated training environment, games offer developers the ability to manage and fix future complex problems and apply any theoretical framework directly in an entertaining and collaborative manner. These lines perfectly describe our last Hackdayz in Budapest.

In the beginning, I had no idea why the company would invest so much money to get us from three different countries to a fourth. But in the end, I realized the added value for the company and for us.
Play the game and learning will be fun – exceptionally! Indeed, that was the slogan. Our motto these days was: Develop hard, play harder: Having fun with colleagues increases creativity, efficiency and productivity. Imagine that you are surrounded by more than 30 developers who work in 7 different projects that need to be completed in 48 hours. You can imagine how such a virtual training environment would have a positive effect on your performance in the customer area. This way we can take the time pressure off our shoulders if we have to meet a deadline.

Apart from the future benefit at the customer level, my colleagues have shown a very good result for their projects. B. we now have such a nice app for checking in and out of offices instead of the touch ID, now our colleague Amit also has a trading bot app with which he made a profit of $ 10.57.
Needless to say, we refreshed ourselves from an escape game and an enchanting river tour in Budapest.

The bottom line, no matter what I have in the future, no matter how busy I am, I want to repeat such a nice experiment.