Everybody has an open lifetime book full of blank pages, waiting to be filled. We write the story as we go, so back in November 2019, I have started the chapter ‘Frontend conferences’ by attending the FrontendConnect2019 in Warsaw, Poland, thanks to my company N47.
My motivation to choose this conference was the fact that I will gain new knowledge, and exchange practical ways of using frontend frameworks. Despite this, given the fact that there were great speakers from the IT world, I had no doubt choosing this tech event. Duration of the event was three days, one workshop day and two speaking conference days.
As I was experienced with Vue.js, I wanted to upgrade the knowledge with Nuxt as their workshop description was “It may take it to the next level, thanks to its convention over configuration approach.” I got a certificate of attendance and completion of “My first Nuxt.js application” by the Vue.js Core Team member Darek ‘Gusto’ Wędrychowski. Coding under the eye of ‘Gusto’ and having a wonderful panorama view of Warsaw in my horizon, was definitely a day well spent.
Rich agenda with scheduled talks, thoughts about which ones to choose, moreover similar questions were going through my mind. I attended the ones that caught my eye and were mostly within my interests.
At the beginning of each day, there was a high valued speaker opening the day with their talks. The first day I had to meet and listen to the very appreciated, Douglas Crockford with his JSON Saga.
The second day, there was Minko Gechev, a Google engineer working on the Angular framework with the talk ‘The Future of Front-End Frameworks’.
Some other topics that I attended to were about the state management in a world of hooks, some optimizations of the modern JavaScript applications and loading them instantly, as well as Angular and Vue.js 3.0 topics.
Two of my favourite talks were ‘The JSON Saga’ – Douglas Crockford and ‘Vue 3.0 for Library Authors’ – Damian Dulisz.

The JSON Saga
Douglas was retelling the story about how he discovered JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). He explained how he did not invent, but found it in the early 2000s, named it and described its usefulness. JSON is a format for storing data and establishing communication between the servers. He explained how some companies complained and did not want to accept JSON because they were used to XML, and could not consider anything else, at that moment. He mentioned that some of the people denied its usage because of it not being a standard. So, what he did next was buying, a website which after a few years spread among the users. After a while, JSON got the support of all languages. He announced that there will be no more changes to JSON because for him there is no feature more important than the stability of JSON.

Vue 3.0 for Library Authors
Getting more in details about this topic and Vue 3.0-alpha version will be covered in my next blog.
Frontend Connect was happening in the theatre of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland where the history and modern world meet at the same time. It is one of the symbolic icons of Warsaw and the place of the city`s rebirth. There were people from all over the world, and the atmosphere was really friendly. Everybody was discussing the topics and shared their work ethics.
Visiting conferences is a really good way to meet new friendly people that you have a lot in common with, as well as having an opportunity to reach out to the speaker if you enjoyed the talk, and discuss what you found interesting. We should always strive for more experiences like this and face new challenges within modern technologies. With that being said, we need to nurture our idea to reach our full potential, in order to make a bigger impact in the IT world.