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Facial recognition technology and its effect on health insurance companies IndustryiOSMachine learningTechnology

Facial recognition technology and its effect on health insurance companies

The facial recognition technology provides us valuable information to identify not only our faces but also what is hidden behind our skin. This information can be a source of minimizing risk for many industries which in turn will affect its Profit/loss potentiality. One of these industries is Health insurance industry.
Shehab Eltobgy
Hackdayz #18 – Video CultureEvents

Hackdayz #18 – Video

Our first Hackdayz was a blast! Mid of December 2018 we organized our first Hackdayz. A two day offsite teaming and workshop event for all our employees. The goal: Get something (project) done in 48 hours! We will blog about the details later on... but for now, here are some…
Jeremy Haas
How to get a service reference or BundleContext with no OSGi context Adobe Experience ManagerAdobe Experience ManagerJava

How to get a service reference or BundleContext with no OSGi context

Issue In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) projects developers are working a lot in services, filters, servlets and handlers. All of these classes are OSGi components and services using the Felix SCR annotations or the newer OSGi DS annotations. But sometimes you need an OSGi service or the BundleContext also in…
Jeremy Haas