Yes, this is exactly what you think from reading the title, in the next few paragraphs I am going to talk a lot about N47, not because I am an employee there and I have to, but because I am in love with the company I chose.

It all started when I decided that working in a big company doesn’t give me the joy that I want out of my professional life. If you spend 8 hours/day at work, it makes sense to find somewhere where you’ll feel like home, where you can develop & improve yourself professionally and personally ;).
I remember the day that I came to N47 for an interview and the first thing I heard in that interview was,
We are here to help you be the best & achieve your goals.
Fatih Korkmaz
I was like REALLY, that day I knew that this is the one for me. N47 as a company doesn’t search for geniuses, we search for team players because even if you don’t have the best players in the world, you can be the best as a team, and these guys are living proof of that:
What defines a team player?
You can count on him/her to get the job done and deliver good performance.
A team player speaks up and expresses his/her thoughts and ideas clearly, directly, honestly, and with respect for others and for the work of the team.
Good listeners are essential for teams to function effectively.
Team players are willing to share information, knowledge, and experience. They take the initiative to keep other team members informed.
Good team players roll with the punches; they adapt to ever-changing situations.
Now that we know what a team player is, let’s have a look at the company, I always call N47 Mini Google, because we have the Googliness.
Googliness means being focused, and striking a balance between short-term and long-term objectives. Being proactive. Google’s Code of Conduct says “if something is broken, fix it.” But being proactive also means anticipating moves ahead of time so to take action preemptively.
We can all agree that nobody can work for 8 hours straight, everyone needs a pause, for this, we have a lot to offer from space with PlayStation, Nintendo, foosball table, snacks, drinks, small gym…
More we are also open 24/7, you can come here on weekends study, chill on the terrace, grill…
Now that we talked about what defines a team player? how does N47 look like? And what we are searching for? What are you waiting for?
Contact us as fast as possible and get yourself a place in our train to achieve greatness.